As you might have already observed by now, we at strive to bring you the latest of hardware tech as soon as they’re made available. But this time, we’re going to give you a couple of useful tips regarding the software goodness that likely powers your Android device by now – Lollipop or Android v5.0.x. (Some of you might still be running KitKat or older. It’s time to upgrade if you can, people)
Why this sudden interest in software you ask? Well, it’s because we just discovered these new features that Lollipop offers and we realised it’s about time we did an in-depth coverage of it all. While that’s coming in a couple of days, we’re going to leave you today with this –
Google Now for Lollipop has been improved to allow enabling of WiFi, Bluetooth and Flashlight using the “Ok Google” feature.
It works exactly as it sounds. You say “Ok Google” , and follow it up with “Enable WiFi” or “Enable Bluetooth” or “Enable Flashlight”. Where it would previously open up WiFi or Bluetooth settings in Kitkat (Android v4.4), there’s completely no ambiguity in Lollipop as it automatically connects to your nearest open or authorised WiFi connection or enables Bluetooth. Also, it responds to both “Turn x on” as well as “Enable x”.
KitKat also just shows Google results for “Enable Flashlight” unlike the expected enabling of the LED flashlight that is now provided in Lollipop. Screenshots of us tinkering with these features are shown below. We’ve illustrated the usage of “Turn on” and “Enable” for the Bluetooth feature on Lollipop.
On KitKat :
On Lollipop:
We’ve attached the “Turn WiFi” off screenshot last of all, because the presence of an active Internet connection is required for Google Now to function.
Keep checking our page for more such hidden features or Lollipop tips as well as the aforementioned in-depth review of Lollipop!